
Kevin Cassity

I am a Feldenkrais practitioner, Transforming Touch practitioner, musician, writer, and coach.

I made a living for 20 years guiding wilderness trips in Alaska and abroad, and another 15 years teaching guitar, banjo, mandolin, etc. at my studio, Playful Arts, in South Anchorage.  

The destabilizing return of trauma memories in my 30s led to many years of inner exploration and healing work, which in turn led to my teaching peer counseling classes, becoming a HeartMath-certified Educator, Feldenkrais practitioner and Transformational Touch therapist.  

Recently I have also received training to help facilitate public education about, and access to, the healing potentials of ethneogenic medicines.

Kevin offers coaching support and information on:

* natural vision recovery

* musical expression and exploration …music as a social activity

* the Feldenkrais paradigm shift as applied to athletics, music, & other special interests

* trauma recovery

* psychedelics, and particularly MDMA, as a tool for healing & inner development

At Open Space Kevin offers individual Feldenkrais sessions, occasional classes and potentially a summer 2023 ukulele workshop. 

907-350-1715 / kevincassity@yahoo.com / kevincassity.com