My yoga journey started a number of years ago when a close friend was just beginning as a teacher, and I attended her classes for moral support. At the time, it was just a supplement to the rest of my life. I was active on the trails and in the gym, and yoga just allowed me a chance to do something different. Soon after, I found myself on a Yoga Retreat in Puerto Rico where I realized yoga was so much more than just a side note in my life.
Since then, I completed a 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Brazil, and most recently a 30-hour Yin Training in Costa Rica. I love that yoga meets us where we are, and expects nothing more from us than what we can give in that moment. Every day, every practice is new and we can take, or give as much as we're able and need to each time.
I love slowing things down, holding poses for a few breaths at a time, and letting ourselves sink into that pose and into that moment. We rush through everything else in life. Meals on the go, running from errand to errand and through our daily obligations just getting to the next thing on the to do list. When we make time to step into an intentional yoga space, we know we can breathe and everything else melts away.